SRH’s Frequencies

Non-Members are also welcome to check into any of these nets:

147.510 MHz, Simplex (transmit tone of 100Hz recommended), Campout frequency at SRH campouts and for caravans to campouts

3.918.5 MHz SRH Net 8:00 PM Pacific Time Monday through Friday

The Saturday net is conducted over a Zello channel. Pre-net check-ins start at 08:45AM PST local time on the 2nd Saturday of each month. At 09:00 the net officially opens and the officer and chairperson reports are taken. Information on Zello is provided in the October 2017 issue of the HOG, or in the Saturday Net Control Script and Aid document in the Members Only Section.


SRH is affiliated with the ARRL. Our Amateur Radio Club Call Sign is K6SRH.